Unfortunately, killing an Essential NPC in this way makes it impossible for the player to loot the pile of ash and get any items or interact with them for quests, so players will still want to be careful when they use this method. As these NPCs aren't meant to die, the animation for this looks bizarre, with the NPC's head often being the last thing to stop walking around.

Players can cast this spell on an Essential NPC and, if done correctly, they will disintegrate into a pile of ash.

This method involves the use of the Reanimate Corpse spell. RELATED: Skyrim Player Uses Character Creator to Make Wood Elf from the Loading Screens This player has discovered how to vaporize Essential NPCs in Skyrim, effectively killing them on the spot. PC and Xbox players could load mods into their game that removed essential status from all NPCs or just specific ones. It should be said that this kind of thing has always been possible through the use of mods. Redditor menschletzt figured out a way to get around this though. Though first appearing in Oblivion to mixed reception, the feature was carried over into Skyrim where it continues to save careless players and frustrate players that just couldn't care less. In an effort to protect the player from themselves, Bethesda introduced Essential NPCs, characters in the game that cannot die under any circumstances. While many enjoyed this freedom, it did come with a consequence that players could potentially lock themselves out of certain questlines, including main story missions. In the old days of The Elder Scrolls, back in Morrowind, players were permitted to kill any NPC that they could reach.