$ lected_button.background = Frame(" button_checked.png", 25, 10) $ style.gm_root_window.background = Image(" gamemenu.jpg") $ style.mm_root_window.background = Image(" mainmenu.jpg") # Change some styles, to add images in the background of # the menus and windows.

$ config.window_title = " The Ren'Py Demo Game"

# Set up the size of the screen, and the window title. Variables that are set in init # blocks are _not_ saved, unless they are changed later on in the # program. # This init block runs first, and sets up all sorts of things that # are used by the rest of the game. # If you're trying to understand this script, I recommend skipping # down to the line beginning with 'label start:', at least on your # first read-through. Feel free to use it as the basis for your own # game. # This script, but not the artwork associated with it, is in the # public domain.